December 2014
November 2014

Children’s robotics competition Robosumo

In November 2014 SAUF sponsored the second citywide robotics competition for kids. The contest was part of the Japanese cultural week and its theme was sumo wrestling.

November 2014

Equipment for Minsk Planetarium

In November 2014, SAUF’s sponsored installation of the new modern equipment in Minsk Planetarium making it possible to show movies in the spherical format.

October 2014

July 2014

Science Through Children’s Eyes Album

In the winter of 2014 High Tech Park held an art contest “Science through Children’s eyes” among the local school students. Later that year SAUF sponsored publication of the album featuring works by the contest winners. Each of the 50 contest winners received a complimentary copy of the album.

May 2014

Youth Robohockey Competition

In May 2014 SAUF sponsored the first citywide Robohockey youth competition in Minsk. Kids and teens from the local robotics clubs participated in the competition.