Young Mathematicians’ Gold

The XI International Tournament of Young Mathematicians, held from 1 to 8 July in Barcelona, Spain, gathered 15 teams from 10 countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Thailand, Ukraine, and France, as well as observer members from Spain.
The teams of Belarusian mathematicians demonstrate brilliant results at the tournament from year to year, and 2019 was no exception. Our youth won gold and silver medals in a tense and exciting contestation. The Belarusian collection now consists of 15 medals: 7 golds, 4 silvers, and 4 bronzes. This is the best result among the participating countries and a feather in the cap of all those involved: teachers, students, secondary school students, organizers of the trip, as well as the Science Around Us Foundation, whose sponsorship facilitated participation in the tournament.
Let’s get back to the results and have a closer look.
The Belarusian team shared the first place with the French team. The gold medalists included the BSU Lyceum students Yulia Zheltovskaya and Maria Zakharneva, a tenth-grader Yekaterina Dul (Minsk Gymnasium No. 41), a ninth-grader Dmitry Gorovoy (Minsk Gymnasium No. 75), graduates Vladimir Kuzmitsky (Minsk Gymnasium No. 29) and Alexander Pechenkin (Gomel Gymnasium No. 71).
The second team winning silver included: a tenth-grader Andrei Goncharenko (Gomel Gymnasium No. 71), a graduate Anton Suravezhkin (Minsk Gymnasium No. 29) and a tenth-grader of the BSU Lyceum Miron Ladyzhenko, a tenth-grader Nikita Baranov and a graduate Daniil Gomza (Minsk Gymnasium No. 41), a ninth grader Marina Gorbach (Minsk Gymnasium No. 4).
The research supervisors of the Belarusian teams were employees and students of the BSU Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science: Associate Professors Pavel Mandrik, Boris Zadvorny, Maxim Vaskovsky, Assistants Yaroslav Zadvorny, Anastasia Khmyz, students Anton Voronko and Nikolai Prokhorov.
A fourth-year student of the BSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Liana Khazaliya and a senior lecturer of Gomel State University named after F. Skorina Vyacheslav Murashko were also engaged in training senior high school students.
Additional information:
The Tournament of Young Mathematicians is a collective (team) tournament of students that lets them demonstrate their ability to solve complex mathematical problems, to present the results in a competent and convincing way, to defend their point of view in public discussions in a well-argued manner. The tournament consists of several successive mathematical battles, in which teams take turns presenting their research on the proposed topics and also act as opponents to other participants.
The main goals of the tournament include promotion of interest in mathematics and its applications, development of scientific thinking, communication skills, and teamwork.