Triumph at the X International Tournament of Young Mathematicians

The International Tournament of Young Mathematicians is a prestigious annual contest for schoolchildren. Belarus is one of the founding countries of the Tournament and has traditionally participated in it since its foundation in 2009.
The Tournament gathered 12 teams from 8 countries this year, namely Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, India, Russia, Romania, and France. Belarus was represented by two teams: the main and the additional ones, which eventually won gold and bronze.
The core team included BSU Lyceum graduates Peter Ignatenko and Anatoly Shatilo, tenth-graders Vladimir Kuzmitsky and Anton Suravezhkin (Gymnasium No. 29 in Minsk), Daniil Gomza (Gymnasium No. 41 named after V. Kh. Serebryany in Minsk) and a school leaver Konstantin Shinkarev (Secondary School No. 30 in Gomel). Bronze went to tenth-graders from BSU Lyceum Elizaveta Fedenya, Pavel Verigo and Alexander Pechenkin (Gymnasium No. 71 in Gomel), ninth-graders Maria Koval (Gymnasium No. 56 in Gomel), Nikita Baranov (Gymnasium No. 41 named after V. Kh. Serebryany) and a school leaver Alexey Vaskov (Kalinkovichi Gymnasium).
The small number of countries participating in the Tournament can be attributed to the high level of complexity of the tasks it offers to solve. These often include challenges faced by professional mathematicians, including the unsolved problems of modern mathematics. Focus on teamwork is one more characteristic feature of the Tournament: the teams take turns reporting results of their research on the proposed assignments, as well as act as opponents and reviewers for other participating teams.
The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of BSU is one of the founders and organizers of the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians. The university teachers are members of the International Organizing Committee and the international jury.
All the years of participation in the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians brought Belarus six gold, three silver, and five bronze medals, which is the best result among all countries participating in ITYMs.
The Science Around Us Foundation congratulates young mathematicians and their mentors! We are very proud of the high level of training our teams demonstrate at ITYM from year to year.