Welcome Mitchel Resnick!

Mitchel Resnick highly praised the work of Belarusian teachers who taught pupils programming in the Scratch environment at the international Scratch Conference held in Budapest in August 2017, and said he would like to visit our country. The developer of the most convenient and kid-friendly programming language arrived in Minsk in May 2018. The professor visited the HTP Education Center on May 16 and met its teachers and students and took part in discussing new approaches to education in the junior and middle classes together with Computer Science teachers from different regions of Belarus.
The program of Mitchel Resnick’s visit also included a trip to a school in Orsha. The professor talked to the students, assessed their IT projects, got acquainted with the educational process.
Mitchel Resnick believes that people should start learning programming when they are still kids. It helps to master school subjects and to enhance logic, comprehensive knowledge, algorithmic and creative thinking. Learning programming also helps children to choose their future profession.
The republican educational project on teaching Scratch in schools “Programming is the Second Literacy” was launched in 2016 at the initiative of the High-Tech Park with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the HTP Educational Center.
Currently, 6 thousand schoolchildren learn the new programming language starting from the 2nd grade.
- https://www.belta.by/tech/view/sozdatel-jazyka-programmirovanija-scratch-i-razrabotchik-robotov-lego-posetil-pvt-302977-2018/
- https://iteen.by/novosti/novosti/kod-i-kot-scratch-vizit-mitchela-reznika-v-obrazovatelnyy-centr-pvt