Series of documentaries «Genius of Belarusian Science»

In the late 19th century, the scientific world was seething. Magazines wrote about the bold inventions of Thomas Edison, James Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz. Man standing on the threshold of the knowledge of the mysteries of nature that have recently aroused awe. All this has inspired Belarusian scientist Jakub Narkevich-Jodko on their own scientific research.
Ordinary residents of these places prefer to get round the Nadneman manor, where the scholar lived.
At night the basement windows of the house lit up with flashes. The peasants were convinced – it is a kind of devilry. But the owner of the estate was not afraid nor of any lightning neither of bad reputation. All the time he spent in the lab.
Soon the news of a provincial scientist reached research centers in Europe. In February 1889 the owner of Nadneman manor received an invitation for a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society…
So who was Jacob Narkevich-Jodko? Ambitious amateur or true research scientist? Charlatan, as he was called by some journalists, or inventor ahead of his time? Why his discoveries had excited the scientific community? And how is it that at home his name was forgotten for many years?
Filming will take place in the spring of 2016. Belarusian and foreign historians, researchers of biography of Jacob Narkevich-Jodko will participate in the filming, as well as followers of the outstanding Belarusian scientist.