“Secrets of the Universe”, a lecture by the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery A. Rubakov.

The famous Russian cosmologist Valery A. Rubakov gave a lecture at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The lecture was organized by the Science & Innovation magazine, http://innosfera.org/, with sponsorship support from SAUF.
The lecture focused on two fascinating subjects, dark energy and dark matter. The lecturer argued that dark energy is far more peculiar than dark matter. It is uniformly distributed across the Universe, both within and outside galaxies and their formations, and is subject to antigravitation. There exist scientific methods for measuring the expansion of the Universe. Such methods indicate that the expansion has been accelerating, thereby offering evidence of antigravitation. For this to be consistent with the general theory of relativity, dark energy — unlike other types of matter — has to have negative effective pressure. Watching the lecture video would enable the viewer to learn more about the foremost question in today’s fundamental physics, which is the nature of dark energy.
Lecture video: