Participation of Belarusian Team in International Conference of Young Scientists in Izmir

SAUF sponsored participation of the Belarusian team of school children in the 22nd International Conference of Young Scientists.
The 22nd International Conference of Young Scientists took place in Izmir, Turkey, April 19th-25th 2015. Young gifted science, math and technology students from nineteen countries participated in the conference. The program included 15 minute presentations in English and subsequent discussion on the topic with the jury. The international jury consisted of well-known scientists and university professors from different countries.
On the photo (left to right): V.Zhilko, N.Kondatenok, I.Novoselskij, A.Naumovich, N.Prohorov, D.Krivenchuk, V.Belevtsov, L.Markovich.
By the end of the tight 48 hour competition, our kids showed great results:
- Viktar Beliautsou (Physics) – gold medal
- Andrew Naumovich (Computer Science and Engineering) – silver medal
- Dzmitry Kryvenchuk (Physics) – bronze medal
- Nikita Kondratyonok (Math) – bronze medal
- Nicolai Prochorov (Math) – bronze medal
- Ilya Novoselskiy (Environmental Science) – bronze medal