Warsaw Vacations

Belarus High Technology Park together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus launched a pilot project for pupils “Programming, the Second Literacy” for the 2016-2017 academic year. The goal of the project is shaping basic understanding of programming languages, nurturing algorithmic and logical thinking among pupils, and promoting career orientation at IT-related professions.
Scratch Master Contest aimed at revealing interesting teaching methods and sharing experience was announced among school teachers. The presentation of teaching projects took place in Orsha on December 26, and according to the results, the winners Elena Kemstach (Novopolotsk), Oksana Lovkis (Lida), and Svetlana Ivanova (Orsha) were awarded a trip to Warsaw.
A tourist program was organized for the teachers and included a visit to the Museum of Technology, a stroll along historic landmarks, and a visit to the National Opera in Warsaw to see the ballet “Don Quixote”.
We would like to thank all the participants once again and warmly congratulate the winners!