Outstanding Debut at Robot Challenge 2018

1500 robots and 2000 participants from 30 countries took part in Asia’s largest robotic tournament Robot Challenge. Its final was held in Beijing on August 10 to 12, 2018. The teams competed in many categories, e.g. air races, robot-sumo, following the line, bowling, etc.
Two teams represented Belarus at the competition, namely Legion 501 and Matrix consisting of the students of the Minsk State Auto-Mechanical College named after academician M. S. Vysotsky. Despite the large number of participants, fierce competition, and debut participation in the tournament, the Matrix team won two third places in the creative category and drone racing.
Team members Dmitry Alshevsky and Yan Prokhorevich, under the guidance of their coach Elena Kulakova, presented a working model of an android robot with cloud intelligence and VR control.
The goal of the development was to create an inexpensive service robot capable of interacting with customers of different institutions. The system works with the help of Amazon’s neural network and client services, which enables the robot to not only answer any questions in three languages, but also to make purchases on the Internet and to manage smart home completely. Innovative idea, complexity, and relevance in the market allowed the project to rank among the top three at the Robot Challenge.
As coach Elena Kulakova noted, the students got a tremendous experience in developing and defending innovative projects. In addition to the well-deserved bronze, the competition resulted in signing a partnership agreement with a number of large Russian companies operating in the field of augmented and mixed reality, and receiving an invitation to participate in a number of start-up competitions, namely StartUp Kazakhstan. New Silk Road in Almaty and RoboFinist in St. Petersburg.
The Science Around Us Foundation congratulates the Matrix team on their brilliant performance at the Robot Challenge 2018! We wish the students new interesting projects and victories in competitions!