Grant to the biophysics department of the Belarusian State University (BSU) Physics Department for the purpose of the research project.

Biophysics department is a leading Belarusian research center in the field of study of physical phenomena in life systems. It conducts research in many contemporary fields such as bionanotechnology and cell engineering. The study of the mechanisms of biological neural networks functioning, conducted by the department, are in line with the highest international standards. SAUF signed an agreement with the Biophysics department to provide a grant for research in the field of life neural structures function on microelectrode arrays.
For the first time in Belarus in cooperation with the Institute of Physiology at National Academy of Sciences the work is being done to grow life neural structures on microelectrode arrays. The SAUF grant will be used for creation and development of the experimental research database. In accordance with Belarusian laws and regulations the grant is registered at the Charitable Activities Department of the President’s Administration of Republic of Belarus (Certificate №03-12/607 registration of foreign donation on 14th of July 2015).