Cooperation in the organization of science-themed public lectures for the general public in Minsk

Methodological collaboration with the “Science Around Us” helped the project “Science beside itself” to organize lectures and workshops on Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology and other sciences for more than 800 people
The “Science beside itself” project got a “second wind” in 2015, including through cooperation with “Science Around Us Foundation”.
Team of the project “Science beside itself” organizes public lectures and workshops, which can be attended by all. In the spring of 2015, guest speakers told the audience about the collisions of galaxies, the biochemistry of emotions, the fundamental questions of chemistry, the arguments “for” and “against” GM and other scientific matters. At the workshops, the participants saw vivid chemical experiments and carried them out, learned how crystals “grow” and have grown their own crystals, and felt “a taste of science” – having learned more about the taste buds.
The “Science beside itself” programme was initiated in January 2014 by the NGO “Fialta Youth Educational Centre” in order to popularize science among young people. This is a space for gaining knowledge outside the walls of schools, universities, laboratories and offices, it means interesting topics and accessible language, discussions and informal communication with the experts.
“Science beside itself”: ignorance is darkness, and science is the Universe!