Another Productive Year it the Nadneman Manor

The reconstruction of Nadneman, the family manor of Yakub Narkevich-Iodko, was in full swing in 2019. The focus of attention of the restorers was on the walls and roof of the manor house and the greenhouse, as well as the maintenance building of the manor to be used as a summer school. Slowly but steadily though, the abandoned, destroyed, weeded manor is turning into an attractive tourist destination on the map of Belarus, which is evidenced by numerous travel blogs and platforms that include the manor in the list of popular tourist routes of the country.
The level of restoration work in Belarus in overall leaves much to be desired, but this is not the case of Nadneman where the restoration is carried out with attention to detail and thorough preliminary research and design. The efforts are headed by Vladimir Samuilov, a physicist who lives and works in the USA and chairs the public foundation named after Y. Narkevich-Iodko in Belarus.
There is a lot of work to be done in the manor: it was destroyed by an explosion during the World War II and has since been abandoned. Volunteers, led by Valentina Korzunova, cleared the rubble, put the construction site in order, removed dead wood, and installed a hand-made information stand at the entrance. The family burial of Narkevich-Iodko, where the scientist and his family members are buried, requires special attention. The volunteers have cleaned the gravestones and refreshed the inscriptions on them, painted the fence and now periodically take away the garbage and mow the grass. People of different ages, from students to senior citizens, come to the manor to contribute to the overall effort.
It is planned that the manor will be restored to the state as close as possible to its state in the period when the professor lived. It will house a science center, an interactive museum of science, an operating physics laboratory, a weather station, conference and exhibition halls. The agricultural focus and botanical value of the manor will also be preserved.
All the plans and progress in the restoration work can be monitored on the official website of the Professor Narkevich-Iodko Foundation created with the support of the Science Around Us Foundation: The Foundation has also facilitated extensive project visualization efforts.