25th International Conference of Young Scientists ICYS-25

Main text The tense two-day struggle waged by the students of Belarusian gymnasiums exclusively in English yielded two bronze medals. This result is a bit worse than the one of 2017 when our team won 4 medals (including one gold) or 2016 that brought us 6 medals including 2 golds.
The Conference of Young Scientists is a prestigious annual international competition. The competition here is very tough: the event gathers school teams from more than 30 countries. The participants present reports on physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, and ecology, which are assessed by the professional jury consisting of eminent scientists and practitioners. Mastery of the subject matter and the depth of study of the topic are determined during a 15 minute follow-up discussion with the representatives of the jury in English.
Belarus presented four reports this year:
• Yanina Sandrygailo from Gomel Gymnasium No. 56 presented the report “Generalized Convex Functions”
• Yan Shlyakhov from Slutsk Secondary School No. 11 presented the report “The Best Consultant – Shopping is More Pleasant with us!”
• Ekaterina Lazareva from Moscow Gymnasium No. 38 read out material on the topic “Influence of Extracts of the Canadian Goldenrod on the Development of Economically Significant Phyto- and Entomopathogens”
• Maria Karpovich and Anton Matveyuk from Brest Gymnasium No. 1 presented a report on the topic “Optical Heterogeneity of Transparent Medium”
According to the jury, Yanina Sandrygailo (mathematics) and Yan Shlyakhov (computer science) won bronze medals.
Head of the Belarusian delegation Leonid Markovich, serving as Head of the Physics Department of BSU Lyceum, compared the reports presented to theses with regard to their complexity and level of preparation. He also noted that the level of participants’ proficiency in English was not high enough this year.
After the conference, the participants had a chance to relax a bit, get acquainted with the sights of Belgrade, experience the hospitality of its residents. The students visited the tower and the grave of the unknown soldier on Mount Alava, popular among Serbs, and went on tour around the “personal” train of the Yugoslav leader Josip Tito.
The next International Conference of Young Scientists will take place in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
- https://tech.onliner.by/2018/05/10/belarus-30
- https://edu.gov.by/news/na-25y-mezhdunarodnoy-konferentsii-yunykh-uchenykh-icys2018-belorusskie-uchashchiesya-zavoevali-bron/
- https://www.sb.by/articles/na-mezhdunarodnoy-konferentsii-yunykh-uchenykh-icys-2018-belorusskie-shkolniki-zavoevali-dve-bronzy-.html?utm_campaign=zblock&utm_expid=.8nrBFs3yTUCedmc-jHNtuw.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.by%2F